Sunday, October 18, 2009

furlough week

Tuesday will mark the first day of furlough week. A week that has many parents upset, but students thanking the state of the economy. I know that I am thankful for the week considering I will be relaxing in Vegas. But I decided to learn more about why we are being blessed with this week of freedom, and although I am thankful for the break, I'm not sure we should be shouting and dancing on rooftops. President Gordon posted a letter on the Fullerton website explaining furlough days. CSU's are experiencing a $584 million dollar deficit. This caused the student fee increases that made us all moan and groan earlier in the semester, faculty pay cuts, and enrollment reductions. Things are going to continue to get worse. Get ready to pay more next semester (or have mommy and daddy do it if you're lucky). And consider yourself lucky to be going to a CSU....many will not have it as easy as we did. So this week, I am going to enjoy the break from school, but I am also going to reflect on why we are having the break.

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya! I am super stoked by it because I am one of the lucky ones to have my intuition paid for...otherwise I am sure I would be the pissed off students that are sleeping in tents on campus in protest.
